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Get Started!!

All you need is your Howard University Gmail Account and Google Chrome to receive the help you need in Chemistry, Biology, Organic Chemistry, Physics or Math!

Howard University Gmail Account



The Howard Universtiy Gmail account is usually set up as follows:


Ensure you have access to this account and that you provide this email address to the Center for Preprofessional Education eTutor Service.


Information on how to access your Howard University Gmail Account can be located here.

Google Chrome


Currently this service is only compatible with Google Chrome. If you do not have this web browser, it can be downloaded here.


Once the browser is functioning properly, add the RealtimeBoard Extension from the Chrome Web Store.

Ready, Set, Learn!



Log into with your Howard Universil Gmail Account

Create a new whiteboard with the title set up as follows: CourseName with FirstName (Chemistry with Alicia)

Using their given Howard University Gmail Account, invite the student who has scheduled a session with you via Doodle.


Begin tutoring!




See "Schedule" page to find a tutor with hours that work for you, then

to schedule a session online, click "schedule online" link

Wait for an invite from Realtime Board


Begin learning!

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